Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What the Crap?!?!?

Um. I was silently in my work box (cubicle) today when something starting buzzing about...Nichole had just come back from break. And the lunch room was all a buzz with the yelling that only women can do. Apparently...some had gone into our bathroom, which I have always thought was disgusting, and there on the floor in the 4th stall, WAS. A. CRAP. ON. THE. FLOOR. Are you people FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!!?!?!?!


I have a problem with you creating a wall of spray disinfectant around your stall. I do not want to taste country garden lysol.

I have a problem with you spraying a wall of your body spray around your stall. Again, I do not want to taste your apple body spray.

I do not want to hear you talk to your credit card company, children, husband, boyfriend, insurance company, whatever, and they do not want to hear me peeing!!

But I DO NOT want, I repeat, DO NOT want poop on the ground.

I thought I was tired of pee on the seat and toilet paper on the ground. If only I knew.

Someone mentioned it may have been a joke.

NOT FUNNY. Can't even describe how disgusting this is.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Who loves it that much?!?

I mean it is an alright town...but really, who loves their suburb this much?
P.S. I heart stupid bumper stickers (on other people's cars)

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Tiki Room...

When my sister and I were little we wanted so badly to go to the tiki room at Disneyland. I think we thought it was a cool place that adults would hang out. Well, my parents let us go alone. And then we knew why. Little maniacal birds clapping their beaks to are probably wondering where this thought came from...
I was coming home from work today and decided to stop for a venti shaken iced black tea from Starbucks. Unsweetened. With 3 Sugars in the Raw. And I;m in the drive through and the window is open and I keep hearing this horrible sound. At first I thought it was a car alarm...then it sounded almost organic, like maybe some angry birds and a sick car, but then no...and then I decided that it sounded like angry mechanical birds. And that is when I started thinking that the tiki room birds have gone AWOL and they had come to Illinois to seek revenge on everything.
So I asked the guy at Starbucks if he heard something. And he looked at me like I was crazy. But just as I was thinking I was imagining it all he told me they were the cicadas. WHAT?! first the thunderstorms, then the tornadoes, now the cicadas...
What the crap is this state?
So every 17 years the cicadas come out like crazy...but that was last summer. But apparently there are some every year. I can't even imagine what it must have been like last year. But here is a video I found on youtube, from last year in the town where I work.
Sorry so wordy...but it took time to explain ;)


i always thought that Jerry O'Connell from "my secret identity" should get together with evie...

But I guess he is going to have babies with Mystique. Oh well...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The 80's again...

So it is weird that my sister posted about the 80's cause I have been thinking about it a lot this week. At the grocery store I bought some Wonder Bread (did I mention earlier about how much I love wonder bread). Well I can never eat an entire loaf and I found this small loaf. And on The package it says: Wonder Bread Small.
And now everytime I look at it, I sing the theme song to Small Wonder...

But even better than this was what come on tv after...

I tried so many times when I was younger to freeze time like that. Occasionally I think maybe all it will take is just a little more practice.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Somebody dun called da po-po!

I was coming home from a trip to the grocery store in as little clothing as the law allows with my icee...Cause it is DAMN hot!!!! (and humid)

So I'm coming down my nice, safe, little, quiet street and to my surprise da po-po was dare!
So, you can't see from the photo, but apparently (obviously) somebody dun called the po-po for a domestic disturbance.
Driving down the street, there is an episode of cops two houses down from mine! Except, surprisingly, the man was black (not some crazy white trash, mustache totin', gun rack havin', wife beater wearin' piece o' crap).
But the woman was definately the cop program steriotypical fat white (trash) woman.
What a crazy Sunday. This weather is making the crazies come out.

Two things...Completely unrelated.

1. Something I will never buy from Goodwill: A book entitled "The Bathroom Book"
I mean, I never would have bought it anyway, but seriously, who's bathroom has this already been in.

2. My neighbors (two doors down) have a bug zapper in their backyard. And you can hear it zapping bugs as the lightening bugs fly around. Is this disturbing to anyone else?

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Best quote about crocs.
Sadly from Gilbert Godfried on "I Love the New Millenium"
"Who wears plastic shoes? The only person who should wear plastic shoes is a freakin' Ken doll!"

Oh, how I hate Crocs.
Questions for Crocs wearers:
1. Don't they make your feet smell?
2. When they get wet and rub against your feet, don't they make blisters?
3. Why do people buy them for their kids? Should your children have quality shoes for well-supported foot growth?
4. Why, why God, why?

Saturday, June 28, 2008

hope this works...

First video posting...ever.

Fireflies are magical. They remind me of fairies. One followed us in the house and was flying around the kitchen blinking and then it got lost. So then Cas said that we should just let Max take care of him. And i almost cried because killing a firefly is like pulling the wings off a fairy (those are my sister's words). So then I made him stand in the dark with me until we found him. And Cas caught him and tossed him outside.

as I wait till dusk...

I saw a firefliy the other morning in the daylight, as I was leaving for work.

This is what they look like:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Who new?

So these were at the house when we moved in...and I was like, ok whatever. I just figured it was like a cactus thing...then a week or so ago, something happened.

It grew this stalk thing in the middle of it.

And then it grew branches.....
And then those branches grew flowers....
What the crap?
And now it is oddly pretty. And quite fascinating.
What is this magical plant.
And this all happened in about a week.
Crazy Illinois wildlife.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

They have arrived.

This week marks the beginning of firefly (lightning bug) season.
I have been waiting for this since we moved here and I found out that they live here.
But there are only a couple. When it gets warmer more will be here (they have to wake up from winter sleeps).
Cas humored me and went outside at dusk and he caught one, then it got mad stopped glowing and then flew away (angrily).
I had my camera and tried to take a video, but he was too little and i couldn't find him. I will need more fireflies and more nighttime before having to go to bed to get to work.
Stay tuned for more firefly news.

Monday, June 16, 2008

It Almost Rhymes

hee hee

for reals.

There was a kayak strapped to the top of the

little pickup truck.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So maybe "laros" means something like "precious" or "cherished" in white trash language...but if you are a bad driver, who is fat and TOTALLY white trash...from behind it just looks like


(as a side note...seriously what else do I have to do in traffic, and I was behind this car for like...10 miles, and I waited till we were at a stop light to take the there)

Monday, June 9, 2008

I've got my handbasket, and I'm ready to go...

Pay attention to the subtle difference of the statement I heard on the news today about the flooding in Indiana.

What was said: "It was not a dam failure."

What I heard: "It was not a damn failure!"

It really doesn't take much to amuse me.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm going to hell...for reals.

ok so, I know I am going there, but seriously Indiana TOTALLY stole our thunder. literally! (and figuratively)

I have been freaking out about this since day one (ok calm down family, it was like 10 miles away, but SERIOUSLY 10 miles is a lot closer than the 1700 it was before).

But there was a FREAKIN'; tornado this evening!!!! In the suburbs!!! In the southwest suburbs...just south east of our house by, like I said, about 10-15 miles.

So a little info on tornadoes. The sky will be really dark and green, and it will sound like a train (that is what they say)

So Cas and I were watching TV and there are warnings all over the place. It is like 85 degrees and raining with thunder and lightening and all that stuff. So I am freaking out (less so now, because I have a gin and tonic--which was necessary).

But I digress....

There is now this TINY article online about our tornado, and all you can see now on the news is the stupid massive flooding in Indiana. *ugh*. More flooding, but nothing about our DEVASTATION?!?! ok, or a couple lost roofs, and maybe an injury, but people this is HUGE for me!

I can't even describe what it is like outside. It was dark at about 4pm, and the clouds are just flying by. We have the A/c on inside and it is about 75 in here, but outside it is close to 90 and it is SO humid that the outside of all our windows have fogged up...which is odd cause in the winter it was the opposite...but here are some can't really tell that much, but totally fogged up. And I can't even describe how eerie it feels outside. Now it is all calm and still and heavy (the air is so thick, but our tornado warning ended at I guess we are ok)

Monday, June 2, 2008


I have found out that it should only be a few more weeks until the fireflies are here. I am so excited!

But work is rough. There is a lack of everything: caring, consideration, work ethic, and so much more. I have been having troubles keeping calm and not losing it. So I have developed a new way of thinking.

Everytime I start to get upset, I just think WWFFD. Yes, What would the fireflies do? And it reminds me that they are coming, and instantly I am happier and more calm.



Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chicago Photos...

From when my family was here...

Friday, May 30, 2008

hee hee. I am a child.

I was tired and driving home from work and I saw this truck and I giggled out loud. Because I wondered if it is a hereditary disease, or infectious?

and what does a dong fang have to do with dolphins? oh the questions.

Also on the way home this guy in the cab next to me was totally looking at me and he smiled and wink and mouthed "hey, how are you?" And I am not sure if I am no longer unable to understand flirting, or if it had just been a rough week...but the charming girl that I am, I said back "what?" and when he didn't answer "WHAT?"

yeah, um. there was no more flirting after that. Oh yeah. Cas better watch out, I am attracting them like flies to honey baby!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

hi ho silver awaaaaaay.....

I always know whether or not it is going to be a good day by the song that comes on the radio in the car. giddie up ba hoom bu bu hoom bu bu mau mau.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Have you been waiting?!?!?

Probably not, but here are my clovers, that sadly, have only 3 leaves.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Snack? Seriously?

Ok, I can't find a clip anywhere...but have you seen the commercial for Wrigley's says something about going from "nice gut" to "nice butt". And then it goes on to try and sell gum to me, as a snack! A low calorie snack.
Ok I am on a crazy diet, but I still don't think that I can get on board with gum as a snack!
I guess if I don't eat real food and "snack" on gum all day, I will lose weight.

p.s. lack of food has made me a little cranky. I am going to go lick a gum wrapper for dessert.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So this photo reminds me of when Max was little(r) and we used to say that Max's Native American name was "sleeps where he falls.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Why is it that once you start noticing certain things, you can't stop.

For some reason I keep spotting these teeth pickers. Who does this? In public.

I mean my dad always steal a toothpick from restaurants, but that is ok, kind of manly...but this is like a pick and floss and a whole ordeal...Have some class in public people, or at least THROW THEM AWAY!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Too much celebrity gossip?

Conversation between Cas and I Sunday morning:

(Cas's phone rings)

Regina: Who is that?

Cas: Daniel Baldwin.

Regina: Oh my God? Like, as in the Baldwin brothers?

Cas: No, like, as in the guy down the street who is going to fix my brakes.

Regina: Oh.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Target...the best place for something amusing to happen.
So I stopped there on the way home to get a few things, and then, I was off to stand in line.
As I was completely dazed waiting for my turn at the conveyor belt, something caught my attention. It was a mother, one lane over, and all I could hear was:
"Courtney, come here. Courtney, put that down. Courtney, stop it. Courtney, seriously, get over here. COURTNEY! put it down and get over here. Courtney, that is it, we are leaving!"
I seriously had to stop myself from turning around and calling her mom.
Just like when I was a little kid...

P.S. I got a tiny stuffed cat that looks just like Max and meows half price in the Dollar Spot (um, yeah, 50 cents) and I brought it home for a toy for Max, but he didn't think it was a cool as I did.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A New Lazy.

So, I was washing my hands at work the other day, and I remember when they first put in the soap foam dispenser. We were all SO excited (because it doesn't take much).

And I started thinking that I also have foamy soap in every room of the house. Dial in the kitchen, cause it is the best and Bath and Body Works in all the bathrooms...

I think it is wonderful. But let me pose this question:

Who was sitting around one day thinking about how difficult it is to make soap foam just by rubbing your hands together and thought...we need soap that foams itself?

Are we that lazy, we can't even make the effort to wash our hands anymore...?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jesus and whatnot.

So this year I learned about Easter and Jesus.

Palm Sunday: Jesus going through Bethlehem on his journey...ending at the cross

(the following year, the palms were burned on Ash Wednesday and then the priest puts dots of ash on you forehead)

Good Friday: Jesus was crucified (should be called "really unfortunate Friday"). Did you know that old school Catholics have silent time between noon and 3 because apparently that is when he was dying...

Easter: Jesus resurrected

So the Midwest is SO much more religious than anywhere I have lived...So I have learned a lot. The funny thing is that the above information had to looked up online, because the catholics that could not believe I didn't go to church didn't know the answer. The best answer I got was was "because my mom said so". thing that always bugged me is stuff that people give up for giving up chocolate is just like dying for everyone's sins....

Totally the same.

Anyway. I am still happy for peeps, cadbury, chocolate bunnies, ham, potato salad, devilled eggs, etc.

PS. I was going to put a picture of Jesus on here...but it kind of creeped me out. Sorry.

Where have I been....

I keep meaning to update. But I forget. Sorry. I mean seriously, I got a digital picture frame for Christmas, and just today I sat down and put photos on it. I am such a slacker!

So this is the first time I have caught these kids cuddling. As my sister pointed out, Max has his paw on her...She was trying to get away and he wanted to wash her face.

Secretly I think they cuddle all day while I am at work, and pretend to hate each other when I get home :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Don't Stay too long...

You never know what could happen if you can't find what you want in Bed Bath and Beyond...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Latest Obsession.

ok so no, there is not much going on in my life. Snow, work, home, sleep, work, shovel snow, sleep, now I am sick again.

So all I look forward to is seeing baby clover when I go to work. Just kidding, I am looking forward to spending my overtime check ;)

ok so here is the newest picture of baby clover.

Day 10:

It is really filling out. every one has two leaves...I am hoping for four.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Baby Clover!!!

Oops I forgot to post pics of baby clover on Friday so here are two pics...

Baby Clover Day 4:

and Baby Clover Day 7:

YAY! Baby Clover is growing up :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Science Project at work...

Ok so I bought a small little pot at target in the dollar spot that is supposed to grow 4-leaf clovers. well, I am assuming they are 4-leaf, because that it what the little cartoon picture looked like.

So I brought it to work, so I could keep an eye on it all day and wouldn't forget to water it.

So baby clover sat in my cubicle next to my radio all morning for the sounds and my carbon dioxide, and then I moved baby clover to the window on the other side of my cubicle so he could have some afternoon sun.

Now, this sounds a little sad, and I am not bored at work, quite the contrary really, but I fell like having a little friend in my cubicle all day. (well, when he isn't sunning).

So here are the first photos of baby clover.

Day two (I planted them yesterday):

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Sometimes the snow is annoying. The commute is horrible, I have to shovel the driveway. Walking becomes just a little more difficult...but then, when you take a moment and really look, really see and just lose yourself in it, it is beautiful. Peaceful, beautiful falling snow.

When I was driving home today I was on a small road, and I snapped this photo:

Ok, so it is a little blurry, but you get my point (and I was moving--and how dangerous is it to take a picture while driving in the snow, so give me a break)
But, the white snow on the branches, the light snow falling from the sky. Just beautiful. And did you know that you can turn off your car lights and still see like daylight when it is snowing. The landscape is so bright...

PS, still mad about the zoo.

Monday, January 28, 2008


I can't even begin to describe the outrage that I felt today.

I am not an animal activist, in general, but I can not handle this.

Today, at work, I found out that when animals at the zoo die, all the do is chop them up and bury them at the dump. They are treated like special waste, like asbestos.

They are buried, in pieces, in a whole in a landfill.

Now, I understand that these are not pets, but they are lovely. Lovely, wonderful, wild animals that we have taken from their homes, put in pens, most often too small for their bodies and leaving them to pace and swing their heads to and fro in boredom and frustration, with no other possibilities. Now, I try to be okay with zoos. I know they try to conserve and protect. But this is too much.

At first, I was a little horrified, but as the day went on, I just couldn't handle it.

If elephants have their own graveyard, why can't we do something better for them. Not that many zoo animals die. I understand they need to be cut up for autopsy, but can't we have them cremated?

I'm not asking for the zoos to fly the ashes to their home land in Africa, or Asia, or Australia, but can't we show them a little respect.

Just a little?
A giraffe just died in the Chicago area earlier this month, and I can't even imagine.

Just horrible, and sad, and outrage!

I'm sure they even did the same thing to the tiger in San Francisco.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Random Stuff.

Only two random things really. First, I was organizing my photos and I came across this:

Ok, So this is a photo of a house in Cornelius, Oregon, that I used to drive past on the way to work. That is a pink and white Chevy step-side pickup in the front yard, and yes, that is a bathtub, with a cover over it. I have no idea why it is in the front yard, has a cover, I have no idea. But I laughed every day. Oh, how I laughed. And I saw this picture and felt I had to put it up.

Then, this is my new favorite picture. It hasn't been above freezing for about 3 weeks. The sun was out on friday, so it was a little melty and then there were icicles everywhere. This is a pic from our front porch of the most giantist of all icicles. Fantastic!

oh, and it was snowing. So pretty!!
Now everything is melting, and it is supposed to be 40 degrees tomorrow and it was finally warm enough today that I could wash my car (and not be frozen inside-heehee)
So these are my random pictures for the day...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside...

heehee. it is -3 degrees outside right now, with a windchill of -21. I just looked at the weather in Portland, OR and they are all bundled up talking about the artic chill and the high being 34 degrees.
On our news stations they are waiting for deaths to be reported...oops!
hmmm...I think I will be staying in. They are warning about walking even a block outside in this cold. Yikes! I hope I get a good parking spot at target tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Adorable strikes...

This is the cutest picture of my little girl kitty. We were cuddling, watching tv and I woke her and then she was all cute! I love her little pink tongue:

ok and then, at work today, the pond out front is frozen again. And lately the Canadian geese have been showing up (because apparently they are boycotting the "south") and they usually play in the turquoise-dyed water, but today there were just goose butt prints all over the little pond...

Photo 1:

Geese playing on frozen pond

Photo 2.

Goose butt prints (circled in white)

Monday, January 7, 2008


Um. Ok. There is a tornado watch/warning right now. Thunderstorms like I have never experienced, lightening lighting up the entire sky, which I guess makes it easier to spot the tornado. seriously a tornado. one landed in NW Illinois and now we are all on alert. It destroyed at least 6 homes and injured some people.
The cats and I are in the basement. Because Cas is in California and I am scared I might die. :(
You have no idea when the tornado comes. It just shows up......

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Kind of Sad...

So I love the snow. But then several days later it gets sad...

Dead plants black sad.
But there will be rain this weekend so everything can melt and we can do it all over again.
Happy weekend