Monday, January 28, 2008


I can't even begin to describe the outrage that I felt today.

I am not an animal activist, in general, but I can not handle this.

Today, at work, I found out that when animals at the zoo die, all the do is chop them up and bury them at the dump. They are treated like special waste, like asbestos.

They are buried, in pieces, in a whole in a landfill.

Now, I understand that these are not pets, but they are lovely. Lovely, wonderful, wild animals that we have taken from their homes, put in pens, most often too small for their bodies and leaving them to pace and swing their heads to and fro in boredom and frustration, with no other possibilities. Now, I try to be okay with zoos. I know they try to conserve and protect. But this is too much.

At first, I was a little horrified, but as the day went on, I just couldn't handle it.

If elephants have their own graveyard, why can't we do something better for them. Not that many zoo animals die. I understand they need to be cut up for autopsy, but can't we have them cremated?

I'm not asking for the zoos to fly the ashes to their home land in Africa, or Asia, or Australia, but can't we show them a little respect.

Just a little?
A giraffe just died in the Chicago area earlier this month, and I can't even imagine.

Just horrible, and sad, and outrage!

I'm sure they even did the same thing to the tiger in San Francisco.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Random Stuff.

Only two random things really. First, I was organizing my photos and I came across this:

Ok, So this is a photo of a house in Cornelius, Oregon, that I used to drive past on the way to work. That is a pink and white Chevy step-side pickup in the front yard, and yes, that is a bathtub, with a cover over it. I have no idea why it is in the front yard, has a cover, I have no idea. But I laughed every day. Oh, how I laughed. And I saw this picture and felt I had to put it up.

Then, this is my new favorite picture. It hasn't been above freezing for about 3 weeks. The sun was out on friday, so it was a little melty and then there were icicles everywhere. This is a pic from our front porch of the most giantist of all icicles. Fantastic!

oh, and it was snowing. So pretty!!
Now everything is melting, and it is supposed to be 40 degrees tomorrow and it was finally warm enough today that I could wash my car (and not be frozen inside-heehee)
So these are my random pictures for the day...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside...

heehee. it is -3 degrees outside right now, with a windchill of -21. I just looked at the weather in Portland, OR and they are all bundled up talking about the artic chill and the high being 34 degrees.
On our news stations they are waiting for deaths to be reported...oops!
hmmm...I think I will be staying in. They are warning about walking even a block outside in this cold. Yikes! I hope I get a good parking spot at target tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Adorable strikes...

This is the cutest picture of my little girl kitty. We were cuddling, watching tv and I woke her and then she was all cute! I love her little pink tongue:

ok and then, at work today, the pond out front is frozen again. And lately the Canadian geese have been showing up (because apparently they are boycotting the "south") and they usually play in the turquoise-dyed water, but today there were just goose butt prints all over the little pond...

Photo 1:

Geese playing on frozen pond

Photo 2.

Goose butt prints (circled in white)

Monday, January 7, 2008


Um. Ok. There is a tornado watch/warning right now. Thunderstorms like I have never experienced, lightening lighting up the entire sky, which I guess makes it easier to spot the tornado. seriously a tornado. one landed in NW Illinois and now we are all on alert. It destroyed at least 6 homes and injured some people.
The cats and I are in the basement. Because Cas is in California and I am scared I might die. :(
You have no idea when the tornado comes. It just shows up......

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Kind of Sad...

So I love the snow. But then several days later it gets sad...

Dead plants black sad.
But there will be rain this weekend so everything can melt and we can do it all over again.
Happy weekend