Saturday, July 26, 2008

The 80's again...

So it is weird that my sister posted about the 80's cause I have been thinking about it a lot this week. At the grocery store I bought some Wonder Bread (did I mention earlier about how much I love wonder bread). Well I can never eat an entire loaf and I found this small loaf. And on The package it says: Wonder Bread Small.
And now everytime I look at it, I sing the theme song to Small Wonder...

But even better than this was what come on tv after...

I tried so many times when I was younger to freeze time like that. Occasionally I think maybe all it will take is just a little more practice.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Ahhhhhhh I forgot all about Evie!!! :)

Also - Dave heard the Small Wonder theme song and rattled off like 5 facts about the show including where the dad works. What a freak! :)