Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Target...the best place for something amusing to happen.
So I stopped there on the way home to get a few things, and then, I was off to stand in line.
As I was completely dazed waiting for my turn at the conveyor belt, something caught my attention. It was a mother, one lane over, and all I could hear was:
"Courtney, come here. Courtney, put that down. Courtney, stop it. Courtney, seriously, get over here. COURTNEY! put it down and get over here. Courtney, that is it, we are leaving!"
I seriously had to stop myself from turning around and calling her mom.
Just like when I was a little kid...

P.S. I got a tiny stuffed cat that looks just like Max and meows half price in the Dollar Spot (um, yeah, 50 cents) and I brought it home for a toy for Max, but he didn't think it was a cool as I did.


Courtney said...

You are lucky I already mailed your birthday present. ;)

Courtney said...

Oh and also - she never said "we're leaving" she said "go ahead and scream and I'll leave you right here!"