Thursday, February 28, 2008

Latest Obsession.

ok so no, there is not much going on in my life. Snow, work, home, sleep, work, shovel snow, sleep, now I am sick again.

So all I look forward to is seeing baby clover when I go to work. Just kidding, I am looking forward to spending my overtime check ;)

ok so here is the newest picture of baby clover.

Day 10:

It is really filling out. every one has two leaves...I am hoping for four.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Baby Clover!!!

Oops I forgot to post pics of baby clover on Friday so here are two pics...

Baby Clover Day 4:

and Baby Clover Day 7:

YAY! Baby Clover is growing up :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Science Project at work...

Ok so I bought a small little pot at target in the dollar spot that is supposed to grow 4-leaf clovers. well, I am assuming they are 4-leaf, because that it what the little cartoon picture looked like.

So I brought it to work, so I could keep an eye on it all day and wouldn't forget to water it.

So baby clover sat in my cubicle next to my radio all morning for the sounds and my carbon dioxide, and then I moved baby clover to the window on the other side of my cubicle so he could have some afternoon sun.

Now, this sounds a little sad, and I am not bored at work, quite the contrary really, but I fell like having a little friend in my cubicle all day. (well, when he isn't sunning).

So here are the first photos of baby clover.

Day two (I planted them yesterday):

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Sometimes the snow is annoying. The commute is horrible, I have to shovel the driveway. Walking becomes just a little more difficult...but then, when you take a moment and really look, really see and just lose yourself in it, it is beautiful. Peaceful, beautiful falling snow.

When I was driving home today I was on a small road, and I snapped this photo:

Ok, so it is a little blurry, but you get my point (and I was moving--and how dangerous is it to take a picture while driving in the snow, so give me a break)
But, the white snow on the branches, the light snow falling from the sky. Just beautiful. And did you know that you can turn off your car lights and still see like daylight when it is snowing. The landscape is so bright...

PS, still mad about the zoo.